Before creating my website, I owned companies doing retail, wholesale and manufacturing business. Beside doing that, I also worked for many years as a salesman in different fields selling products and services; by knocking on doors, selling by phone, sending faxes, and more. From these many years of experience, I have learned the secrets of effective selling and want to share with you my top secrets on how to create more customers without advertising.
Here are 2 ideas you can start using immediately:
Idea # 1: You Need To Educate Your Prospects…
Your prospects don’t know all of the unique benefits of doing business with you. When you take the time to educate your prospect and can show them how to solve their problems, you create a loyal client.
Now doing this one-on-one is inefficient and expensive. As much as possible, you should automate the educational process.
Idea # 2: First You Need To Target Your BEST Prospects…
Once you’ve worked out ‘how your service is unique’, and the kinds of clients who would benefit the most, you can then target those perfect clients. Why spread your marketing message to people who cannot afford you, who do not want, or who do not fit, your customer profile, when you can target and focus in on a group of prospects who do?
You can also invest time, money and effort to repeatedly market to your well-defined list of highly targeted prospects. Often, just by looking at your list of past clients, you can reveal your most perfect prospects.
By finding out ‘who would benefit from your services’, and ‘using various automated ways’, such as audio interviews, and the internet, you are now able to educate them. So think about how to find your best prospects, and help keep them active!